3-month C.O.R.E Model Program
The core model is a tool for effective communication, purposeful outcomes, meaningful relationships, and system ecology.
Participants will experience an
out of the box learning environment that will include:
Improved self awareness
Communication excellence
Enhanced productivity and collaboration
Transformation of conflict into cooperation
Appreciation of differences in time management
Tools for adopting a high-performance mindset
Understanding of the concept of culture
Motivation and engagement strategies
Tools for effective leadership
Alignment of values, purpose and identity
Increased flexibility and adaptability to the context and others
Strengthened relationships
Understanding and awareness of others
Alignment of values, purpose and identity
Creativity and innovation
Awareness of biases, beliefs, customs, and cultural differences
Communication is key, right? Information is information!
It’s how you say it that has an impact!“
If we do not communicate effectively or adapt to situations, we are neither capable of creating a safe space to build meaningful relationships nor will we reach the state of personal excellence.
“If a man knows not which port he sails, no wind is favorable.”
Having a PURPOSE and clear INTENTIONS tied to that purpose at work directs the attention towards accomplishments and personal excellence!
“No amount of money, or purpose, or even free food can compensate for a poisonous relationship at work. Unlike performance, relationships are much harder to measure, harder to sustain, and harder to repair.”
Companies are made of people and people relate to work together, to produce together, to create together, to succeed together.
“A system is never the sum of its parts, it’s the product of their interaction.”
A system is any type of organized group (like family, company) in which its members must work with and around each other to keep the system stable and thriving, ideally optimizing the collective benefit.
Everybody has felt demotivated or frustrated at some point in life or at work.
The CORE of problems is usually in the way we communicate that creates conflicts in relationships.
The quality of our relationships ultimately determines the quality of our work and our life.
Unless we identify the CORE of the problem.
Communication problems result in:
lack of understanding
low performance
insufficient engagement
high employee turnover
lack of trust in management
missed opportunities due to mistrust and conflicting relationships
Embrace the opportunity to learn about yourself, your identity, and your beliefs, your way of communicating and how it influences your relationships and thus the success and the quality of your life.
The 3-month CORE Program, intervention and tailored coaching provides lasting and sustainable solutions to your problems at the core. It provides you and your teams with ways to communicate effectively, build relationships and therefore improve productivity, increase motivation as well as adopt a high-performance mindset.
It takes the core system as well as the wide system into account, with the aim to create ecology for all – including employees, clients and other stakeholders.
You will create a company culture based on trust and a world people want to belong to.